Thursday, November 02, 2006

I (think) I have a major!!!

So! Now that I am in my third year of school and people keep asking me what my major is I have decided that maybe I should be doing some thinking. I had a really good talk with my mom's cousin Keith monday night and he really got me to thinking. It is not that he said anything different than what hundreds (thats the way I feel) of people have said "Follow your heart" "What do you like?" What do I like? Shopping, scrapbooking, movies and guys! BUT that is only a job in the perfect world!!!! He just said it in a way that helped me I guess! Well Abby is about to chew the cords on the keyboard and I still need to clean my room! (Week 20 of the cleaning of the room!) See ya later!

P.S. My major is PR! (Public Relations!!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your choice of major turns out to be the very best for you. Good luck with week 20! Love you, Mom